"Living in a retirement village has the capacity to be a great lifestyle decision, sadly it also has the capacity to be your very worst financial decision." - RETVILLDOTNET.
An example for a village with the Deferred Management Fee calculated on the ingoing $$$.

"My father must have been one of the few people who lost money when he sold his home in a booming Melbourne property market. This huge loss on his home, in a popular suburb not far from the CBD, was despite it selling for more than he paid for it. The problem? He bought into a retirement village." - Diana Thorp. Sunday Herald Sun. 22/08/21
An example for a village with the Deferred Management Fee calculated on the outgoing $$$.

Sunday 13 October 2024

The Retirement Village Trap

Exit fees and other hidden costs mean many retirement village residents can’t afford to leave. 

"In the view of one long-time advocate of retirement village residents' rights in Victoria, Charles Adams, these financial arrangements have long benefited village operators at the expense of residents. 
In 2002, Adams and his wife paid $400,000 to live in a unit in a village run by one of Australia's biggest operators. It wasn't a bad lifestyle choice, but in the ensuing years Adams has come to realise thathttps://www.choice.com.au/health-and-body/healthy-ageing/ageing-and-retirement/articles/retirement-village-exit-fees the deal was always lopsided in the village operator's favour."

Read the full story here - Choice Australia

Saturday 5 October 2024

Time for Federal Regulation of Retirement Villages

 "This article challenges the effectiveness of State and Territory regulation of retirement villages and calls for federal regulation of retirement villages by bringing retirement villages into the definition of ‘financial product’ in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and in the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth). As financial products, retirement villages would then be regulated by Commonwealth legislation which deals with financial services and financial markets, as regulated by ASIC. These laws include consumer protection provisions such as the prohibition of misleading or deceptive conduct, unfair contract terms, unconscionable conduct, licensing and high standards for those in the retirement village industry. This would result in a return to Commonwealth leadership of the regulation of retirement villages to harmonise and to consolidate the current mix of State and Territory regulation with federal legislation including an enforceable Retirement Villages Code of Conduct."

Take this link for the full article - Time for Federal Regulation of Retirement Villages

Friday 4 October 2024

Retirement Village Reckless Harassment of Elderly Resident

"Retirement villages were first created to care for Australians as they grow older, but the sector has now turned into a multibillion-dollar industry.

Amidst a drive for profits, some elderly residents are suffering."

Adele Ferguson from the ABC 7.30 Report continues her expose into the scandal plagued retirement village sector.

Read more: Retirement village operator Pinnacle Living accused of 'reckless harassment' of elderly resident

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Retirement Village Rip-Off

Retirement villages are marketed as the perfect solution for retirees - safe, low maintenance and fun.

Yet the reality can be alarmingly different with some people finding once they buy in they can't get out.

ABC's Adele Ferguson exposes the great retirement village financial trap.

Read the full story here - Retirement villages accused of gouging older Australians in 'corporatised elder abuse' 

Saturday 10 August 2024

Flourish in your Golden Years

Image: Freepik

 Flourish in Your Golden Years: Mastering the Art of Healthy Aging

Aging need not be synonymous with declining health or diminished quality of life. Indeed, focusing on well-being becomes even more crucial in one's later years. This guide from RetVillDotNet offers practical advice for seniors to help preserve and even improve their health, ensuring that the golden years are truly golden.

Maintain Optimal Hydration

Ensuring appropriate fluid intake should never be underestimated, especially for seniors. Water plays a critical role in regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, and facilitating bodily functions. Unfortunately, the sensation of thirst diminishes with age, making it easier to become dehydrated. Seniors should be proactive in drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water daily to avert health issues associated with dehydration.

Prioritize Restful Sleep

Sleep is the natural antidote to daily physical and emotional fatigue, offering rejuvenation and restoration. However, many seniors face challenges such as insomnia or disrupted sleep cycles. Targeting 7–9 hours of high-quality sleep per night offers multifold benefits including improved memory, mood stabilization, and enhanced immune function. It’s not just about quantity, though; the quality of sleep also matters, so establishing a calming bedtime routine can be incredibly helpful.

Commit to Regular Health Assessments

Monitoring health through regular medical checkups is a proactive approach to aging. Regular screenings can help in early detection of potential health issues, from high blood pressure to early signs of dementia. Early detection allows for timely interventions, making treatment easier and far less invasive. It also gives one the peace of mind that comes from knowing they're taking all the necessary steps to maintain optimal health.

Prioritizing Dental Health

Dental health often serves as an indicator of general health. Gum disease, tooth decay, and even bad breath can be signs of more serious health issues. In addition to brushing and flossing daily, seniors should not skip regular dental checkups. These visits are essential for early detection and treatment of potential oral issues and should be part of a comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

Choosing Nutritious Snacks

The desire for a quick snack doesn’t need to result in unhealthy choices. Opting for nutrient-dense snacks like fresh fruits or a handful of almonds can be both satisfying and beneficial for overall well-being. Incorporating yogurt or vegetable sticks with hummus into your snack options can add variety and further enhance nutritional intake. Such choices are rich in vitamins and minerals and can help maintain energy levels throughout the day, thus supporting an active lifestyle.

Engage in Activities That Promote Cognitive Health

Cognitive health can be just as crucial as physical well-being. Activities like solving crossword puzzles, indulging in strategic games, reading informative literature, or acquiring a new hobby can contribute to mental agility. This active engagement of the mind can thwart the onset of age-related cognitive decline. The aim is not just to be physically fit but also to keep the mind agile and active, enhancing overall quality of life.

Cultivate Strong Social Connections

Maintaining strong social connections is crucial for seniors as it significantly impacts their overall well-being and quality of life. Engaging in social activities can reduce feelings of loneliness and depression, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose. Regular interaction with friends, family, and community groups also helps to keep cognitive functions sharp and delay mental decline. Moreover, strong social ties provide emotional support, enhancing resilience and promoting a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.

Aging can indeed be a graceful and enriching experience when complemented by mindful practices aimed at maintaining physical and mental vitality. Through adequate hydration, quality sleep, regular health checkups, mental exercise, social engagement, and proper nutrition, the golden years can truly be a time of vibrant living and personal growth. By incorporating these key practices into daily life, seniors can navigate the aging process with dignity, health, and a zest for life.

To learn about the high potential costs of retirement villages, visit Retirement Village information for consumers today!

Monday 29 July 2024

Horror Stories Continue for Retirement Villages

The ABC reports - For almost a decade, pensioners Trish Reece and her husband Wayne have been living in a gated village in Shepparton in regional Victoria, run by the controversial land lease operator Lifestyle Communities.

Now they want to get out.

"We don't want to live here anymore," she says.

But she says they are stuck, financially, due to the so-called exit fees charged by the company when a resident sells their home.

For the full story click the link below -
Retirement Village Horror Stories Continue

Sunday 21 July 2024

How an idyllic retirement village became a 'financial prison'

After spending 36 years investigating shoplifters, drug trafficking, burglary, fraud and deception, it was time for the quiet life. Seduced by promises of low maintenance and resort-style living at an affordable price, he bought into a Lifestyle Communities development at Wollert, impressed with its high-security cameras and boom gates that guarded a manufactured urban landscape of neat rows of uniform houses and perfectly manicured fake lawns. It was a setting reminiscent of the Hollywood movie The Truman Show. "The way it was presented to me and my wife, I expected everything to be above board, knowing that I'm dealing with Lifestyle, a publicly listed company," he says. "I did my homework, and I checked on them. And I would have assumed that everything was kosher." But 18 months later, earlier this year, he and two other residents, Thom Meads and Steve Doudle, found themselves investigating the utopia they thought they'd bought into. "To me, it's like I'm in a financial prison," Gauci says. "I've got to bail myself out in order to get out, and it's just wrong."

Watch the full ABC 7.30 program report.

Retirement Villagers pushed to the brink as fees go 'through the roof'

Meet the seniors who feel 'trapped' as fees at their retirement village go 'through the roof' -

Retirees face $200,000 loss following notice to vacate villas

Retirees face $200,000 loss following notice to vacate villas -

Retirement Village Village residents demand to know where their money has been going

A group of New South Wales retirees claim RSL LifeCare is seeking exorbitant fees from them for upkeep of their retirement village in Sydney's north-west and they want to know where their strata money has been going.

Function of Government

The role of government is to create an environment for commerce to function whilst at the same time protecting retirees and particularly vulnerable retirees from both financial and emotional harm emanating from that function.

The Victorian Retirement Villages Act 1986 provides the environment for commerce to function but fails to fully protect retirees from financial and emotional harm as a result of it.

The Victorian legislative definition of a retirement village in demanding the payment of an 'in-going' amount without the transfer of property ownership is a major contributor to that financial and emotional harm suffered by retirees.


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