It is difficult to understand why the @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @timpallas @rwynnemp government is so adverse to protecting older vulnerable Victorians in retirement villages and retirement housing. #vicvotes2018
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 28, 2018
Monday, 29 October 2018
Vic Labor Refuses Retirement Living Ombudsman
NSW Labor Says Yes To Retirement Living Ombudsman
NSW Labor says YES yet Victorian Labor says NO, not interested.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 28, 2018 via @Luke_FoleyNSW
Retirement Villages Under State Laws.
Just for those who are confused or have been misinformed. @squinty64 @badministrator9 Victorian government is responsible for #retirementvillage and #retirementliving laws.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 28, 2018
Andrews Government Says No Retirement Living Ombudsman
Only the @DanielAndrewsMP government doesn't want a Retirement Living Industry Ombudsman. @MarleneKairouz @timpallas @rwynnemp #vicvotes18 @PeterWalshMP @CraigOndarchie @amy_bainbridge @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 25, 2018
Friday, 26 October 2018
Deferred Management Fee Should Be Restricted
The Deferred Management Fee for #retirementvillages should be restricted to Not For Profits inclusive of an entry $ discount to property value ratio that reflects the DMF fee % @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @MichaelPascoe01 @AlanKohler #auspol #acccgovau @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 23, 2018
NO to a Retirement Village
Why we decided NOT to move into a retirement village.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Aged Care RC Need to Examine Retirement Villages
Two critical reasons #retirementvillages needed to be part of the Aged Care RC - They are the new low care aged care so Commonwealth laws needed, retirement village residents become more dependent on taxpayer funding for aged care as their capital base is reduced. @adele_ferguson
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 22, 2018
Evidence Shows Clear Need For Retirement Ombudsman
.@DanielAndrewsMP government policy of no Retirement Living Ombudsman flies in the face of clear evidence for one. @LidiaThorpeMP @MatthewGuyMP @FionaPattenMLC @TheNationalsVic @JulianFidge @TammyLeeAtkins @JennyJenocon @timpallas @rwynnemp #vicvotes18 #vicvotes #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 21, 2018
Vic Retirees Seek Support For Ombudsman
Victorian retirees seeking support for a Retirement Living Industry Ombudsman. @DanielAndrewsMP government members have turned their back on older Victorians. @LidiaThorpeMP @MatthewGuyMP @FionaPattenMLC @TheNationalsVic @JulianFidge @TammyLeeAtkins @JennyJenocon #vicvotes18
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 21, 2018
No Room for Retirement Living Ombudsman
The @DanielAndrewsMP government is promising a tunnel to everywhere but has no room in their hearts to protect older Victorians with a Retirement Living Ombudsman. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes #vicvotes18
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 21, 2018
Excessive Capital Loss Suffered By Retirees
Table below shows the excessive loss of capital suffered by older Australians after entering a defined retirement village. @DanielAndrewsMP @MatthewGuyMP @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes @JulianFidge @TammyLeeAtkins @Tim_McCurdy #vicvotes18 #vicvotes #vicpol #springst @wangchronicle
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 19, 2018
Deferred Management Fee Harms Retirees
Deferred Management Fee for #retirementvillages should be restricted to NFP with an entry $ discount to property value ratio reflecting DMF fee %. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes #vicvotes18 #vicvotes #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 18, 2018
Retirement Village Residents hurt by Falling Property Prices
Falling property prices create sting in tail for #retirementvillage residents. Contracts with capital gains also demand payment for capital losses. Even less to fund their own Aged Care. @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @albericie @MichaelPascoe01 @acccgovau #auspol @KenWyattMP
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 18, 2018
Victorians to Decide
Only 37 days to the Victorian Election. Which party will defend retirees against flawed legislation, a Deferred Management Fee business model left over from the 60's stripping away their asset base and capacity to fund their own aged care? #vicvotes18 #vicvotes #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 17, 2018
Victorian Retirees Demand Ombudsman
Retirees demand an Ombudsman for the Retirement Living industry. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes @JulianFidge @TammyLeeAtkins @Tim_McCurdy @timpallas @rwynnemp #vicvotes18 #vicvotes #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 17, 2018
Loss of Intergenerational Wealth
Sums up the Retirement Village industry beautifully. "Families need to be aware that what we are talking about here is the transfer of intergenerational wealth not to families, but into the pockets of large multinationals." #vicvotes #vicpol #vicvotes2018 #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 16, 2018
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Loss of Intergenerational Wealth through Retirement Villages
Sums up the Retirement Village industry beautifully. "Families need to be aware that what we are talking about here is the transfer of intergenerational wealth not to families, but into the pockets of large multinationals." #vicvotes #vicpol #vicvotes2018 #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 16, 2018
Andrews Government Makes Political Mistake
Governments make mistakes. The @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @timpallas @rwynnemp @JaclynSymes government have made a political mistake by not supporting a #retirementliving Ombudsman. One vote can lose an election and there is more than one retiree in Vic. #vicvotes #vicpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 15, 2018
Retirement Village Operators Hide Behind Flawed Legislation
Victorian governments protect retirement village operators through flawed legislation allowing operators to take lifetime savings off retirees under the guise of "retirement accommodation". @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MatthewGuyMP @FionaPattenMLC #vicvotes #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 15, 2018
Victoria Needs Retirement Village Ombudsman
Retirement Living Ombudsman for Victoria? @MatthewGuyMP says YES, @FionaPattenMLC says YES, @LidiaThorpeMP says YES, @DanielAndrewsMP government says NO. Decision time for all Victorians, particularly retirees, is near. @heidivic @MarleneKairouz @JaclynSymes #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 14, 2018
Aged Care Royal Commission Excludes Retirement Villages
Two reasons Retirement Villages should have been part of Aged Care Royal Commission, they are the new low care aged care so Commonwealth laws needed, the residents become more dependent on taxpayer funding for aged care as their capital base is reduced. #agedcarerc #agedcare @smh
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 14, 2018
Demand Staffing Ratios For Aged Care
Believe in staffing ratios for Aged Care facilities? - Take this link - - Let your political representative know how you feel, link has easy way to send them a letter. @KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP #auspol #agedcarerc #agedcare
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 12, 2018
Retirement Villages Left Out Of Aged Care Royal Commission
.@KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP left#retirementvillages out of #agedcarerc. Retirement Villages are becoming the new low level Aged Care. This leaves vulnerable older Australians under a jumble of State laws. EG Victoria, no mandated evacuation plan. @DanielAndrewsMP @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 11, 2018
Retirement Villages Becoming Low Level Aged Care
Retirement Villages are becoming the new low level Aged Care. @KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP leave #retirementvillages out of #agedcarerc. The negative $ impact of this on resident capacity to fund their own aged care will come at a substantial cost to future budgets and taxpayers.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 10, 2018
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Retirees Want Retirement Living Ombudsman
Retirees want an Ombudsman for Retirement Living sector, @MatthewGuyMP says YES, @FionaPattenMLC says YES, @LidiaThorpeMP says YES, @DanielAndrewsMP government says NO. Retirees to decide who to support on November 24. @heidivic @MarleneKairouz @JaclynSymes #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 9, 2018
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Loss of Capital Base in Retirement Villages
Interested in Retirement Village living.- This table indicates the direction of your capital base as opposed to staying in the family home. Future aged care cost? @adele_ferguson @abc730 @ACurrentAffair9 @theprojecttv @Matt_KeanMP @M_McCormackMP @acccgovau @Bowenchris #auspol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 8, 2018
State Government Flawed Retirement Village Legislation
State Governments through flawed 'ingoing amount' legislation build a dream of life in a #retirementvillage but far too often create a financial nightmare by making Grandma and Grandpa become corporate financiers. @Matt_KeanMP @MarleneKairouz @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 6, 2018
Sums Up Retirement Villages
Sums up #retirementvillage industry beautifully "Families need to be aware that what we are talking about here is the transfer of intergenerational wealth not to families, but into the pockets of large multinationals." Tom Gait President RVRA @GladysB @Luke_FoleyNSW #smh #nswpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 5, 2018
Property Price Danger for Retirement Village Residents
DANGER - RETIREMENT VILLAGE RESIDENTS - Falling property prices create sting in the tail for #retirementvillage residents. Where contract of occupancy grants them access any capital gains, it also requires of them to make good any capital losses. @Matt_KeanMP @MarleneKairouz
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 5, 2018
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Aged Care Royal Commission Must Examine Retirement Villages
The excessive negative capital impact on retirees paying for conditional occupancy in retirement villages means they subsequently require greater aged care funding from taxpayers.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) October 1, 2018
Monday, 1 October 2018
Chance For New Retirement Village Model
A new Retirement Village model? Well it should be! Victoria needs to change the Retirement Village laws so it can be. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes @timpallas @rwynnemp #vicpol #springst @Assemble_AUS
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) September 30, 2018
Only 54 Days to Victorian Election
54 days til Victorian retirement village residents express a view through the ballot box as to efforts or the lack of the @DanielAndrewsMP government in #retirementvillage reforms and an industry Ombudsman. @LidiaThorpeMP @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) September 30, 2018
Retirement Villages Now Quasi Aged Care
With home care packages retirement villages now quasi aged care @KenWyattMP @GregHuntMP Financial impact on retirees in retirement villages means greater aged care funding from taxpayers. Aged Care Royal Commission must examine impact on budget. @CatherineKingMP @JulieCollinsMP
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) September 30, 2018
Legislators Need To Act
Legislators, would you tolerate this #retirementvillage scenario for your own mum & dad. Why do you let it happen to any mum and dad. @GladysB @Matt_KeanMP @Luke_FoleyNSW #NSWpol @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @heidivic #vicpol #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) September 29, 2018
Build to Rent to Buy
Victorian law prevents this concept being a retirement village. Victorian retirees suffer excessive capital losses as a result of inaction of the @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz government. @LidiaThorpeMP @timpallas @rwynnemp @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC #springst
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) September 29, 2018
Function of Government

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