Coming to an aged care facility near you, let's hope so.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 20, 2019
Monday, 22 April 2019
Innovation at Aged Care Home
Retirement Village Living Cost Above Market Rents
Stark example of the cost of retirement village living above the actual market driven commercial value of residential accommodation. Retirees that enter but leave at or inside the industry average stay pay tens of thousands of dollars above the mark. @acccgovau @sdanck #auspol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 21, 2019
Victorian Consumer Protections Lowest for Retirement Villages
Consumer protections for retirees living in #retirementvillages in Victoria is the lowest in the nation. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @abc730 @acccgovau @sdanck @consumervic @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 17, 2019
Family Home or Residential Tenancy or Retirement Village
POP QUIZ-Would you 1. Stay in the family home OR 2. Sell and go into a retirement village OR 3. Sell and go into a residential tenancy and retain your capital $ for investment. The chart tells the story,hat would you do? @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @acccgovau @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 16, 2019
Loan-Lease Retirement Villages Destroy Retiree Capital
Loan-Lease & Loan-Licence #retirementvillages destroy retiree capital over time. Costs are well above the value of the residential accommodation forcing retirees on the taxpayer for Aged Care funding. #auspol #agedcarerc @acccgovau @sdanck @KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP @Bowenchris
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 16, 2019
The Andrews Government Failed Victorian Retirees
The Andrews government failed Victorian retirees in 2017 and are continuing to fail them. The only state yet to make any meaningful retirement village reforms or establish an industry Ombudsman . @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @abc730 @acccgovau @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 15, 2019
Decimation of Retiree Capital
The decimation of retiree capital. No not from a stock market crash, no not from a property market crash, simply residential accommodation in a retirement village. When will governments wake-up. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @abc730 @acccgovau @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 15, 2019
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Renting Much Cheaper Than A Retirement Village
Makes you think. Are the extra trimmings retirees are paying for in a #retirementvillage worth the cost over and above the actual value of the accommodation. @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @abc730 @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 15, 2019
Victoria Lagging On Retirement Village Reforms
Victoria still not moving on #retirementvillage reforms. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz asleep at the wheel on this issue. What the industry needs is an Ombudsman, now. @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @acccgovau #vicpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 12, 2019
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Industry Codes of Practice Fail Consumers
INDUSTRY CODE OF PRACTICE - Simply a mechanism to divert the eyes of the legislator away from actually legislating. MAKES LAWS - ENFORCE THEM
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 11, 2019
Aged Care Royal Commission Should Include Retirement Villages
Two reasons #retirementvillages should have been part of Aged Care Royal Commission, they are the new low care aged care so Commonwealth laws needed, the retirees become more dependent on taxpayer funding for aged care as their capital base is reduced. #agedcarerc #agedcare @smh
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 10, 2019
Ownership Prices Paid But Only Occupancy Granted
A #retirementvillage - residential accommodation approved of in law by governments where ownership prices are paid by retirees to multinationals, but ownership is not granted, only a conditional right to occupy. @DanielAndrewsMP @michaelobrienmp @acccgovau @smh @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 8, 2019
Transfer of Inter-generational Wealth Away From Families to Multinationals
#retirementvillages "Families need to be aware that what we are talking about here is the transfer of intergenerational wealth, not to families, but into the pockets of large multinationals" Tom Gait, President, RVRA NSW @Matt_KeanMP @acccgovau @M_McCormackMP @TimHammond1 @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 8, 2019
Monday, 8 April 2019
Taxpayers Indirectly Fund Profits Of Retirement Village Operators
Commonwealth taxpayers fund profits of retirement village operators via excessive drain of retiree capital. Residential accommodation approved and encouraged by State Governments. @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @JaenschSarah @MichaelPascoe01 @AlanKohler #agedcarerc @smh
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 7, 2019
Aged Care Funding Hit By Retirement Villages Structure
Retirement Villages transfer retiree capital wealth to operators, not for property ownership but simply occupancy, and then sends retirees back to the taxpayer for Aged Care funding. @acccgovau #auspol @KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP @Bowenchris #agedcarerc @abc730 @terpsmlc @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 7, 2019
Need For Federal Laws For Retirement Villages
With Home Care Packages retirees will spend longer in #retirementvillages under a jumble of state laws. The need for Federal laws for all retirement villages is here. #auspol @KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP @Bowenchris @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 7, 2019
Deferred Management Fee Business Model Hurts Retirees
As the entry cost to lease a unit in a #retirementvillage moves ever closer to the buy cost of a commensurate unit within the general community, the greater the Deferred Management Fee model used by the industry hurts retirees. #auspol @acccgovau @MarleneKairouz @Matt_KeanMP
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 4, 2019
Missed Opportunity For Meaningful Reforms
How far have we come in Victoria over the past few years on retirement village reforms, well not very far at all. Older vulnerable Victorians still suffering at the hands of the industry. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp @LevittRobinso
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 3, 2019
Sadly The Financial Destiny Of Many Retirees
Decimation of Retiree Capital - Sadly the financial destiny of many a retiree choosing to live in a #retirementvillage. Allowed and in fact encouraged by state governments. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @GladysB @Matt_KeanMP @acccgovau @consumervic @NSW_FairTrading @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 2, 2019
Educate Rather Than Legislate Fails Retirees
.#retirementvillage legislators held the view that it was better to educate than to legislate. A policy that clearly failed Australian retirees. Report after report identified the issues, the issues in 2002 were the very same issues as today. When will it end? @acccgovau #auspol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) April 1, 2019
Retirement Villages Decimate Retiree Capital
Retirement Villages, the decimation of retiree capital. Laws not only allow it they encourage it. The role of governments to protect citizens from products that harm them? @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @albericie @MichaelPascoe01 @AlanKohler #auspol @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 31, 2019
Victorian Laws Put Retirees Out On The Street
Victorian laws put retirees out on the street, homeless after leaving a retirement village. They can by law be required to wait up to 6 months to get their own money back. Where do they go? @sdanck #vicpol @MarleneKairouz @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @xanthekleinig
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 31, 2019
Victorian Government Fails To Move To Protect Retirees
.@DanielAndrewsMP government still hasn't moved to protect older Victorians living in #retirementvillages by making it mandatory for an operator to have emergency evacuation plan and assembly point. @MarleneKairouz #vicpol @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @xanthekleinig
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 30, 2019
Falling Property Prices Spell Danger For Retirement Village Residents
DANGER, RETIREMENT VILLAGE RESIDENTS. Falling property prices create sting in the tail for #retirementvillage residents. If contract of occupancy grants access to capital gains, it also requires of them to make good any capital losses. @MarleneKairouz @xanthekleinig @TerpsMLC
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 28, 2019
Retirees To Spend Longer In Retirement Villages
With Home Care Packages Australians will spend longer in #retirementvillages under a jumble of state laws. The #AgedCareRC should examine the need for Federal laws for all retirement villages #auspol @KenWyattMP @ScottMorrisonMP @Bowenchris @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 28, 2019
Deferred Management Fee Should Be Regulated
Deferred Management Fee for #retirementvillages should be regulated with an entry price to property value ratio that reflects an entry price discount commensurate with the DMF percentage. @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @xanthekleinig
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 27, 2019
Retirement Industry Code of Conduct
Retirement Industry Code of Conduct is just an exercise in self preservation, to divert the eyes of the legislator from legislating. No protection in it for retirees, only laws and the enforcement of those laws can do that. @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @xanthekleinig
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 27, 2019
Financial Destiny of Retirement Village Residents
The financial destiny of many a Victorian retirement village resident. Victoria is lagging well behind in retirement village reforms. @TaniaMaxwell14 @TerpsMLC @FionaPattenMLC @xanthekleinig
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 26, 2019
how Grandma and Grandpa Become Corporate Financiers
State Governments through flawed 'ingoing amount' legislation build a dream of life in a #retirementvillage but far too often create a financial nightmare by making Grandma and Grandpa become corporate financiers. @Matt_KeanMP @MarleneKairouz @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 26, 2019
Victoria Lagging In Retirement Village Reforms
How far have we come in Victoria over the last two years on these retirement village matters, it seems not very far at all. Older vulnerable Victorians still suffering. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp @LevittRobinson
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) March 25, 2019
Function of Government

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