New Residential Property Law - Tenant to pay rent beyond departure until Landlord finds a NEW Tenant. Seem a little ridiculous, well yes it is but it is the law in Victorian Retirement Villages @DanielAndrewsMP @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @MarleneKairouz @consumervic
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 29, 2019
Sunday, 30 June 2019
New Residential Property Law?
Publication With Capacity To Mislead
.@consumervic still publishing material that has the capacity to mislead retirees. I have lived the experience and can assure every legislator that the @consumervic statement is inaccurate. Time for the Minister @MarleneKairouz to act. #vicpol @abc730 @acccgovau @michaelobrienmp
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 28, 2019
Retirement Village Question and Answer
The #retirementvillage industry-Operators create valuable assets for themselves, supported by state legislators they get retirees to provide 'free' capital-surrender up to 35% of this capital-pay for maintenance-administration-refurbishment-selling costs. Just for a lease #vicpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 28, 2019
Discrepancy Between Cash & Care
Seldom does a phrase so distinctly sum up the issue at hand. "A discrepancy between how much the facility received to care for my father & the care he actually received" #agedcarerc #auspol #agedcare @richardmcolbeck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 27, 2019
Definition of a Retirement Village
The Victorian legislated definition of a retirement village requiring the payment
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 27, 2019
of an 'in-going' amount without the transfer of property ownership is a major
contributor to that financial and emotional harm suffered by retirees.
The Role Of Government
The role of government is to create an environment for commerce to
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 27, 2019
function whilst at the same time protecting retirees and particularly
vulnerable retirees from both financial and emotional harm emanating
from that function.
Delivering For All Victorians Rings Hollow
'Delivering for all Victorians' is a phrase that rings hollow with retirement village and retirement living residents. Delivering for 'some' Victorians would be more apt. @DanielAndrewsMP @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau @MarleneKairouz
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 27, 2019
Sadly No Breaking News On Retirement Village Reform
Difficult to understand why this particular Labor @DanielAndrewsMP Government and Minister @MarleneKairouz have been failing Victorians with a lack of meaningful #retirementvillage reforms. 'Delivering for all Victorians' is a phrase that rings hollow here @abc730 #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 27, 2019
Buy Price But Without Ownership
You pay a 'buy' price to enter a #retirementvillage. You don't get ownership only occupancy, you only get 60% back on exit, you pay maintenance, refurbishment, selling costs on a property you do not own. And your financial destiny is? (see chart below) #vicpol @sdanck @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 26, 2019
Negative Financial Destiny for Australian Retirees
Compare the financial destiny of Australian retirees entering a #retirementvillage as opposed to an operator. Selling the family home to enter the village will dramatically increase demand for #agedcare funding #auspol @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @albericie @MichaelPascoe01
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 26, 2019
Next Big 4 Corners Story
This should be the next big story from @4corners. Baby boomers cashing in by selling family home & downsizing into #retirementvillage. Negative impact on capital base then asking next generations to fund or help fund their aged care costs. @abc730 @acccgovau #auspol @neighbour_s
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 25, 2019
Impact on Aged Care Funding
The transfer of intergenerational wealth. The numbers in the table give it some perspective. The impact on @agedcare funding is scary. This is just ONE village not all of them. #agedcare #agedcarerc @abc730 @acccgovau #auspol @ScottMorrisonMP @JoshFrydenberg @AlboMP @neighbour_s
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 25, 2019
Urgent Need For Review of Retirement Village Act
There is an urgent need for a review of the Victorian Retirement Village Act 1986. Difficult to understand why Minister @MarleneKairouz seems so adverse to updating the Act in the interest of Victorian retirees @DanielAndrewsMP @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 24, 2019
Taxi Rip Off
Taxi rip-off, charged booking fee for taking a taxi from the rank outside Southern Cross Station. The once proud industry is giving everyone a reason to move to alternate carriers. @silvertoptaxis #vicpol Small $ amount but if charged on every Fare!
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 24, 2019
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Financial And Emotional Harm To Victorian Retirees
Victorian legislated definition of a retirement village requires the payment
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 23, 2019
of an 'in-going' amount often commensurate with a purchase price but without a change of property ownership. Primary contributor to the financial and emotional harm suffered by retirees. #vicpol @abc730
Retirement Village Operators Get Legislated Protection.
Retirement Village operators like the legislated protection of a retiree must pay an in-going amount, it gives them access to capital at 0% cost whilst enabling them to retain ownership of an increasingly valuable asset. #vicpol @abc730 @acccgovau @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 23, 2019
Not Delivering For All Victorians
.@DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz Meaningful #retirementvillage reforms, the revised legislative definition of a retirement village and the #retirementliving industry Ombudsman are coming when? Delivering for all Victorians? CLEARLY NOT #vicpol @michaelobrienmp @sdanck @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 22, 2019
Capital Loss Danger for Retirement Village Residents
You paid a buy or near buy price to enter a #retirementvillage, excited to have access to capital gain even though you do not own, only occupy, WARNING, You are responsible for any capital loss. #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau @DanielAndrewsMP, @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 22, 2019
How a Retirement Village Really Works
How a Retirement Village really works. #auspol #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouzMP @michaelobrienmp
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 22, 2019
EG- 150 unit village sold to retirees at a buy or near buy type price of say $500,000.00 per unit. (see graphic below)
Government Provides Sanctuary to Retirement Village Operators
Daniel AndrewsMP, Marlene KairouzMP Government provides sanctuary to Retirement Village operators through a legislated must pay an in-going amount. #auspol #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 22, 2019
Allows retirement village operators to:- (see graphic below)
Minister Questioned Over Retirement Village Inaction
Tania Maxwell MP Member for Northern Victoria questions Consumer Affairs Minister Marlene Kairouz over the lack of action on Retirement Village reform.
"My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Consumer Affairs.
It is about the ongoing delay in the Government’s response to the report of the Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into the retirement housing sector that was tabled in March 2017.
Of all the matters canvassed by the committee in that report, the two to which I would like to direct the most immediate attention are covered by Recommendations 2 and 15. Respectively, they called on the Government to:
- review the Retirement Villages Act 1986, following
sector-wide concerns especially around dispute resolution and
transparency of disclosures; and
- introduce a new alternative for low cost, timely and binding
resolution of disputes, through a new body or by extending the
powers of an existing ombudsman.
Even as recently as last month, the Minister for Consumer Affairs was still saying the Government is committed to holding the review and further considering dispute resolution processes in retirement villages.
So, set against all of that background, the action I seek from the Minister is the provision of a definitive statement on the public record about when the review of the Retirement Villages Act 1986 will specifically begin. As well as when a new body or extension of the powers of an existing ombudsman will be enacted to protect consumers. In turn, I also ask that the Minister specify who is conducting the review, what its terms of reference are, and when it will report."
Read the full transcript here:-
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Legislated Definition of a Retirement Village
Allowing retirement village operators to:-
1. Charge a 'buy' type price to retirees, not for property ownership but only for a right to occupy.
2. Obtain access to retiree's capital/life savings at 0% cost to the operator without an exchange of property ownership.
3. Keep upwards to 40% of the retirees capital/life savings as a so called deferred management fee.
4. Take control of this 40% of the in-going payment over the first few years of occupancy.
5. Charge the retiree for maintenance, refurbishment and selling costs on property owned by the operator and that the retiree will never own, only occupy.
6. Excused from immediately paying back the refundable balance of the retiree capital/life savings on their departure from the village.
7. Repeat this process over and over and over again, the industry average stay in a retirement village being just 7 years.
Everyday residential landlords would love the same deal.
The role of government is to create an environment for commerce to function whilst at the same time protecting retirees and particularly vulnerable retirees from both financial and emotional harm emanating from that function.
The Victorian Retirement Villages Act 1986 provides the environment for commerce to function but fails to fully protect retirees from financial and emotional harm as a result of it.
The Victorian legislative definition of a retirement village in demanding the payment of an 'in-going' amount without the transfer of property ownership is a major contributor to that financial and emotional harm suffered by retirees.
The Transfer of Intergenerational Wealth.
"Families need to be aware that what we are talking about here is the transfer of intergenerational wealth, not to families, but into the pockets of large multi-nationals. Shame about elderly people not having enough money for aged care."
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Saturday, 22 June 2019
A Few Major Things Went Wrong
Read the full story here:- Retirement Village residents unhappy about complex contracts and fees
Retirement village residents unhappy about complex contracts and fees.
"The aged care royal commission has uncovered some shocking stories about the treatment of older Australians. But the housing that many older Australians depend on, retirement villages, falls outside its scope. About 200,000 Australians live in these villages and rely on the support they provide.
But some are paying dearly to do so, signing up to complex contracts and worrying that the money they are spending now may leave them unable to afford aged care when they need it.
When Les Scobie and his wife paid just over $200,000 for their retirement unit in the Victorian town of Wangaratta, they were hoping for a quiet life. They knew that if they decided to sell up and move on, the operators of the village would keep about a third of their money in exit fees. "The part that we didn't understand when we came in, was how little protection there was for you if something went wrong," Mr Scobie said. "And unfortunately, at this village, a few major things went wrong."
The former bank manager discovered he and other residents had been wrongly charged a combined total of more than $300,000. So, on behalf of hundreds of residents at the village, Mr Scobie took on the local Anglican diocese, which ran the village at the time, and won back most of the money.
Mr Scobie said retirement village residents were often vulnerable, especially when their health deteriorated and they needed to leave the village and go into aged care. He said retirement village residents needed to make sure they were not taken advantage of. "The industry really needs to be tipped upside down," he said."
Read the full story here:- Retirement Village residents unhappy about complex contracts and fees
Retirement Village v Residential Tenancy v Family Home
Retirement Village versus Residential Tenancy versus Retain the Family Home. The answer, as always in the $ numbers. @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau See the chart below.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 21, 2019
Retirement Village Residents Unhappy About Complex Contracts and Fees
ABC News - Retirement Village residents unhappy about complex contracts and fees. - - @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 20, 2019
Retirement Village Minister Questioned in Parliament
Consumer Affairs Minister @MarleneKairouz questioned in Victorian Parliament over continued delays in meaningful Retirement Village reforms. Paricularly a review of the legislation and the appointment of an Industry Ombudsman. #vicpol @sdanck @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 19, 2019
Transfer of Intergeneration Wealth not to Families
Retirement Villages="The transfer of intergenerational wealth, not to families, but into the pockets of large multinationals"-Tom Gait. Everything you need to know about #retirementvillages is in that statement. @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @acccgovau
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 19, 2019
ABC 7.30 Report Highlights Retirement Village Issues
ABC 7.30 report highlights on-going issues with #retirementvillage industry Lots of political claims of 'we have taken action' but little meaningful change has really happened. Deferred Management Fee model should be outlawed, you either own it or rent it.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 19, 2019
Retirement Village Policy Failure
The #retirementvillage policy concept of educate retirees rather than make laws to protect them has completely failed Victorian retirees. Surely successive State Governments can't be that naive. Leaves the fox in charge of the chicken coop. @abc730 #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 18, 2019
Negative Impact on Capital Wealth of Retirees
Legislators would not tolerate this #retirementvillage mess for their own mum & dad. Yet fail to reform laws that create a devastating negative financial impact on the capital wealth of residents leading to entering a 'poverty trap' hidden from them at the outset. @abc730 #vicpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 18, 2019
Retirement Village Operators Granted Legislative Protection
Victorian retirees live where #retirementvillage commercial operators are granted legislative protection by @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz government against need for keeping working capital to repay on time. @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 17, 2019
Retirement Housing Does Matter.
Retirement Housing Matters - "If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists, to protect them and promote their common welfare, all else is lost" - @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 16, 2019
Passage of time shows a real lack of meaningful reform in the #retirementvillage industry. The same problems in 2007 are there in 2019. Successive governments have ignored the deep seated problems. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck @abc730 @ABCGM
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 14, 2019
Decade Without Meaningful Retirement Village Reforms
Time check shows lack of reform in the #retirementvillage industry. The same problem in 2004 as there is in 2019. Successive governments have ignored the deep seated problems, the current @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz in particular. @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 14, 2019
Retirement Village Operators Protected by Legislation
Victorian legislative definition of a #retirementvillage at the heart of "The transfer of intergenerational wealth, not to families, but into the pockets of large multinationals". Without this they couldn't get away with it. @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 12, 2019
Danger for Retirement Village Residents
Flat property market spells danger for #retirementvillage residents. Capacity to protect value of their ingoing payment could be greatly diminished. Access to capital gains for residents also means responsibility for capital losses. @Kevinandersonmp @smh @NSW_FairTrading @GladysB
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 12, 2019
Long Wait for Loan Repayment
It will be people like this who have to wait up to 12 months to get their money back on leaving a retirement village. Commercial operators escape the need for working capital retention with the legislative protection of Sate Governments. @Kevinandersonmp @sdanck @NSW_FairTrading
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 12, 2019
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Cost Of Leaving A Retirement Village
Emphasis was drawn to the much maligned Deferred Management Fee and the lack of meaningful consumer protection available to residents when something goes wrong in their village.
Take the link below to watch the full story.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Country Versus City In Retirement Village Payouts.
NSW country #retirementvillage residents may have to wait up to 12 months to be paid out on leaving a retirement village, city residents only 6. @GladysB @Kevinandersonmp @smh @NSW_FairTrading Just another 'free kick' to commercial operators at the direct $ cost of NSW retirees.
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 11, 2019
Information with Capacity to Mislead
Attending NSW #retirementvillage Ambassador Kathryn Greiner address in Albury today. To highlight where information has 'capacity to mislead'. Misleading information leads to poor decisions and subsequently poor financial and social outcomes for NSW retirees. @NSW_FairTrading
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 10, 2019
Ambassador Rather Than Ombudsman
Will be listening to NSW #retirementvillage Ambassador Kathryn Greiner in Albury today. No not an industry Ombudsman but nevertheless an advance for retirees. Sadly the @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz gov't are not as visionary. @michaelobrienmp @NSW_FairTrading #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 10, 2019
NSW Retirement Village Ambassador
Looking forward to listening to NSW #retirementvillage Ambassador Kathryn Greiner in Albury on Tuesday. Not industry Ombudsman but nevertheless an advance. Shame @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz gov't didn't have the same vision. @michaelobrienmp @NSW_FairTrading #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 7, 2019
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
New Push for Retirement Village Ombudsman
.@HAAGHomeAtLast and other industry watchdogs - pushing for an ombudsman to help protect vulnerable older people in aged care. @7NewsMelbourne
— Kristy Mayr (@KristyMayr7) June 10, 2019
No Moral or Financial Justification
What moral or financial justification for elderly residents of #retirementvillages to wait months to get their own $ amount back on leaving. They do not own only lease. Gov't 'Free Kick' to commercial operators. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 6, 2019
Deferred Management Fee Destroys Retiree Life Savings
As the entry cost to lease a unit in a #retirementvillage moves closer to the buy cost of a commensurate unit within the general community, the greater the Deferred Management Fee model destroys retiree life savings. #auspol @acccgovau @MarleneKairouz @Kevinandersonmp @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 6, 2019
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Andrews Government Fails To Deliver
.@DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz Vic government well behind other states in #retirementvillage consumer enhancements. @NSW_FairTrading Retirement Village Calculator grants opportunity for retirees to establish 'real' retirement village pricing @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 3, 2019
NSW ARCF Important Reform
The @NSW_FairTrading 'Average Resident Comparison Figure' - Great advance in consumer protection levels for prospective retirement village residents. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz Victorian government lagging well behind in these advancements. @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 3, 2019
Victorian Government Falling Behind Other States
The @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz Victorian government is falling further behind other states in #retirementvillage reform. The @NSW_FairTrading Retirement Village Ambassador grants retirees direct action support for village/industry issues. @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) June 2, 2019
LSIC Retirement Village Report Fails
2017 Vic LSIC #retirementvillage inquiry report was a laughing stock amongst residents and consumer advocates. Three months later industry was blown apart by ABC 4 Corners. Legislators seduced by the industry and @DanielAndrewsMP still failing to respond meaningfully. #vicpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 30, 2019
Will 2019 Be The Year For Retirement Ombudsman
Will 2019 be the year Victorian retirees get real action on retirement village reform. Residents and Consumer Advocate groups can identify the need for an industry Ombudsman sadly VIC Labor cannot. @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @VictorianLabor @michaelobrienmp #vicpol #sdanck
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 24, 2019
NSW Fair Trading Retirement Village Calculator
.@NSW_FairTrading #retirementvillage Detailed Calculator has 'capacity to mislead'. Not all charges at departure EG, selling costs, refurbishment costs, entered into calculator are included in actual departure refund calculation $ @Kevinandersonmp @GladysB @PennySharpemlc #nswpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 24, 2019
NSW Fair Trading Capacity to Mislead
Another example of @NSW_FairTrading information on their website regarding #retirementvillages that has the 'capacity to mislead'. Any statement made with reference to a 'capital gain' should also include 'or capital loss'. @Kevinandersonmp @GladysB @PennySharpemlc #nswpol #smh
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 22, 2019
Victorian Taxi Drivers Refusing Passengers
Vic taxi drivers refusing passengers on rank outside Royal Melbourne Hospital. Post Op patients, elderly, carers being refused service on basis trip is too short. Isn't this supposed to be a service industry! @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @michaelobrienmp #vicpol @consumervic
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 22, 2019
Queensland Government Seduced by Retirement Industry
Qld @AnnastaciaMP @MickdeBrenni government seduced by #retirementvillage industry requiring retirees to wait up to 18 months for their money back on leaving village, all on a property they do not own only lease. Where do they live whilst waiting, on the streets? @DebFrecklington
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 21, 2019
NSW Fair Trading Fails to Deliver Complete Accuracy
.@NSW_FairTrading failing to deliver highest standard on their own website when it comes to information on retirement villages. Any general statement including reference to a 'capital gain' should also include 'or capital loss'. @Kevinandersonmp @GladysB @PennySharpemlc #nswpol
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 21, 2019
Retirement Village Equals Destruction Of Retiree Capital
Retirement Village = destruction of retiree capital, reduces retiree capacity to fund own #agedcare costs, taxpayer has to pay more. Capital destruction from simply a lease/licence to occupy. #auspol @KenWyattMP @JoshFrydenberg @acccgovau @abc730
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) May 20, 2019
Function of Government

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