.@DanielAndrewsMP government has failed #retirementvillage residents. November provides a vote on the impotence of @consumervic, poor legislation and destruction of their capital wealth under his government @LidiaThorpeMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic #vicpol #springst pic.twitter.com/CMBFHJvBLE
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 30, 2018
Friday, 31 August 2018
Andrews Government Fails Victorian Retirees
Financial Understanding Required by Legislators
If you DON'T understand the forces this behind the abysmal financial result for Vic retirees then you shouldn't be making #retirementvillage laws. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes @Tim_McCurdy #vicpol #springst pic.twitter.com/osfNJog4iQ
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 28, 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Shift in Accommodation Payment Choices
"Daily payments were preferred over lump sums to pay for residential aged care accommodation in 2016-17, the first time since the 2014 reforms, the sixth Aged Care Financing Authority report shows."
The full story can be read here - https://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/2018/08/29/acfa-report-shows-shift-in-accommodation-payment-choices/
The full Aged Care Financing Authority report can be read here - https://agedcare.health.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1426/f/documents/08_2018/acfa-sixth-report-2018_0.pdf
Legislators Fail to Understand Financial Forces
If you DON'T understand the forces this behind the abysmal financial result for Vic retirees then you shouldn't be making #retirementvillage laws. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes @Tim_McCurdy #vicpol #springst pic.twitter.com/osfNJog4iQ
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 28, 2018
Legislative Bias Toward Retirement Village Operators
Deleting 'but does not include rent' removes the legislative bias (interest free capital from residents) toward #retirementvillage industry and opens it up to real competition and transparency @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @albericie @AlanKohler @MichaelPascoe01 pic.twitter.com/4NpWR99Qve
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 27, 2018
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Federal Regulation for Retirement Villages ?
Time for federal regulation of #retirementvillages - Paul Latimer via Swinburne Law School thinks so - https://t.co/S7itoxjjoh @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @NicolePedMcK @albericie @ceovanessa @AlanKohler @markbouris @Jess_Irvine @MichaelPascoe01 @Property_RLC pic.twitter.com/EHGHeswAOd
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 23, 2018
Rent Assistance Anomaly in Retirement Villages
In a lease/licence #retirementvillage (conditional right to occupy but not own) you cannot get rent assistance but in a lifestyle / land lease village where you do own your home you can, GO FIGURE! @DanTehanWannon @JanePrentice_MP pic.twitter.com/vT7hIMq6bF
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 22, 2018
Are Retirement Village Business Models Fair and Resonable
4 different #retirementvillage models and their financial outcomes for retirees - As opposed to the operator can you pick which village outcome is Fair & Reasonable? - NO neither can I. @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @NicolePedMcK @AlanKohler @MichaelPascoe01 pic.twitter.com/IpqLtOla5A
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 21, 2018
Legislators Fail Retirement Village Residents
THEY FAILED THEM - Legislators knew the problems in 2007, it is now 2018 and they are still struggling to deliver to Australian retirees the necessary legislative framework to fully protect them. @LidiaThorpeMP @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic #springst pic.twitter.com/ACf2KPvwIS
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 21, 2018
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Legislators Continue To Fail Retirees
THEY FAILED US - They knew the problems in 2007, it is now 2018 and legislators are still struggling to deliver to Australian retirees the necessary legislative framework to fully protect us. @Matt_KeanMP @M_McCormackMP @MarleneKairouz @acccgovau @consumervic @NSW_FairTrading pic.twitter.com/PUeLg7CArj
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 20, 2018
Retirement Villages Look Before You Leap
Retirement Villages, too many Australian retirees leap then look later only to realise the full financial cost of signing a complex contract for what is simply conditional residential accommodation by lease or licence. @M_McCormackMP @acccgovau #auspol @KenWyattMP pic.twitter.com/5TwZ7G3edi
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 20, 2018
Push for Aged Care Nursing Patient Ratios
There is currently no obligation for aged care providers to reveal how many nurses and carers they are employing on each shift! Today, Rebekha Sharkie MP, is introducing a bill to Federal Parliament to change that. https://t.co/ulQPZJh2m9@MakeMayoMatter #agedcare #auspol #ratios pic.twitter.com/Tshf7gNK0l
— ANMF - Australian Nursing Midwifery Federation (@anmfbetterhands) August 20, 2018
Loss of Capital Value by Retirees
Loss of capital value by retirees in #retirementvillages excessive, retirees are simply tenants-Standard residentital tenancy can produce a much better financial outcome for retirees @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @AlanKohler @MichaelPascoe01 @M_McCormackMP @smh pic.twitter.com/gpp6uaqHmK
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 19, 2018
Monday, 20 August 2018
Retirement Villages - Nothing Has Changed
The #retirementvillage industry - Property developers create valuable assets for themselves. With support from legislators get retirees to provide capital at 0% cost, only repay 65% of it, get the upkeep and the refurbishment paid by the retirees @M_McCormackMP @acccgovau #auspol pic.twitter.com/njqY8MIc6I
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 19, 2018
Sunday, 19 August 2018
Alan Kohler 2014 Article
It is now 2018 but it is a good time to go back and read this 2014 article by @AlanKohler - https://t.co/Y2z4JkA59q and see how far we haven't come on #retirementvillages @BernardKeane @M_McCormackMP @acccgovau #auspol @LidiaThorpeMP #vicpol #springst @sdanck pic.twitter.com/ob2aPTcVvN
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 17, 2018
A $25 Loan Can Change A Life
Join me on @Kiva. A $25 loan can change a life! https://t.co/CUnAgAo8Fd via @Kiva
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 17, 2018
Retirees Negative Financial Destiny
This is the financial destiny for most retirees living in #retirementvillages - Proposed legislative reforms will not stop this - Capital wealth from a lifetime of hard work gone to private enterprise pockets, paid to just occupy not purchase @M_McCormackMP @AlanKohler #auspol pic.twitter.com/sOj5Uq7Qhf
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 16, 2018
Retirees Downsize To Potential Financial Trap
#retirementvillages - Federal Treasurer @ScottMorrisonMP wants retirees to downsize to them, NSW minister @Matt_KeanMP sees them as no cost to government. Do they really understand what happens to retirees financially over time? @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge pic.twitter.com/JGL3oKLDIP
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 16, 2018
Friday, 17 August 2018
Criticism of Retirement Industry Code of Conduct
The retirement industry code of conduct has been criticized as failing to provide meaningful protections for retirees. @ellensandell @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @JaclynSymes @Tim_McCurdy #vicpol #springst #auspol pic.twitter.com/PyXTnpjcuE— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 15, 2018
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Kellock Lodge Aged Care Agreement Reached
Bishop Parkes was working toward an amalgamation with the Anglican aged care facility in Wangaratta. See previous story - Community Backlash For Actions Of Anglican Bishop
Alexandra businessman Larry Fallon brokered the deal with Bishop Parkes after the initial actions of Bishop Parkes divided the community. The deal sees Kellock Lodged paying $3.5m dollars for 50 aged care bed licences with the building and land being transferred into a new entity to be formed locally in Alexandra.
100 Days to Victorian Election
100 days til retirement village residents in Victoria can have their say on whether their government has acted in their best interest. Many feel the @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz government has recorded a FAIL. Why grant a 2nd chance? @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic #springst #vicpol pic.twitter.com/REF7jta7Kj
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 14, 2018
Case for Retirement Village Reforms
Retirement Village resident produces e-book - https://t.co/1CAzy5eOi1 Explains the problems in as few words as possible.@sophieelsworth @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @NicolePedMcK @ceovanessa @AlanKohler @markbouris @Jess_Irvine @MichaelPascoe01 @mikejanda pic.twitter.com/P3NXhdDLpQ
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 14, 2018
Without A Feared Regulator
The #retirementvillage policy concept of educate retirees rather than regulate operators has failed. It has left many older Australians with devastating financial and/or social consequences. @M_McCormackMP @acccgovau @consumervic @NSW_FairTrading pic.twitter.com/gMLDDyyEGN
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 13, 2018
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Financial Pain for Retirees from Retirement Villages
New table shows the complexity and the financial pain for retirees in retirement village living, the loss of capital value over the occupancy period is devastating. The Legislation & Deferred Management Fee model masks this from retirees until it is too late. @acccgovau @sdanck pic.twitter.com/sulPBzfkxS
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) July 30, 2018
Why Big Investors Want Retirement Villages
Why big money wants in on #retirementvillages - Rise in capital value in excess of traditional property investment but decimates capital base of Australian retirees. When will a government say this is no longer fair and reasonable. @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge pic.twitter.com/1Ms5OxbrUy
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 13, 2018
Legislation Prohibits Residential Tenancy
Deleting 'but does not include rent' removes the legislative bias (forcing interest free capital from residents) toward the #retirementvillage industry and opens it up to real competition and transparency. @ellensandell @MatthewGuyMP @heidivic @FionaPattenMLC @MarleneKairouz pic.twitter.com/kOnQheIv4o
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 12, 2018
Monday, 13 August 2018
Rent Assistance Absurdity
And where if you live in a retirement village (lease/licence) you are considered a home owner (but you don't you only lease) and can't get rent assistance whereas if you purchase (actually own) a removeable home and rent the land you qualify for rent assistance. Go figure! https://t.co/RW2OqNt0H0
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 12, 2018
Sunday, 12 August 2018
Deferred Management Fee Business Model Broken
A #retirementvillage Deferred Management Fee should reflect a discount between entry cost and value of a commensurate property. It no longer does, retirees pay an entry price commensurate with an ownership price but receive only conditional occupancy. Practice should be outlawed. pic.twitter.com/yVyVtReVeq
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 11, 2018
Friday, 10 August 2018
Legislators Fail Retirees
Legislators fail retirees with inability to understand #retirementvillages and the excessive transfer of capital wealth from retirees to operators inherent within, a transfer well in excess of the actual $ value of the accommodation @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge pic.twitter.com/0gRpe2d18U
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 9, 2018
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Ombudsman For Retirement Villages?
For #retirementvillage residents three words separate the parties for the Victorian election - OMBUDSMAN - OMBUDSMAN - OMBUDSMAN - @MatthewGuyMP says YES, @heidivic says YES, @ellensandell says YES, @FionaPattenMLC says YES, but @DanielAndrewsMP says NO, @MarleneKairouz says NO pic.twitter.com/1heJNZwmIR
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 8, 2018
Retirement Village Residents Decimated Financially
Can a Retirement Village resident be decimated financially? Can a resident be totally wiped out financially. The answer is YES and there is no legislative protection against it, in fact the process is openly encouraged by governments. @Matt_KeanMP @MarleneKairouz @M_McCormackMP pic.twitter.com/cGIrxoEClP
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 9, 2018
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Retirement Industry Ombudsman Essential
SMH quotes senior policy officer at CALC- "the retirement housing industry wasn’t capable of self-regulation. Governments need to step in. We need an OMBUDSMAN to provide free, fair and independent dispute resolution." @Matt_KeanMP @GladysB @DanielAndrewsMP @MarleneKairouz #smh pic.twitter.com/7VmA7DzaX7
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 7, 2018
RV Operator Charged For Abandoning Residents
"Consumer Affairs Victoria has commenced criminal proceedings against Stephen George Snowden, 51, of Ferntree Gully.
We allege that Mr Snowden operated the Berkeley Village retirement village in Patterson Lakes between July and September of 2017, when he was not permitted to do so.
We are seeking a financial penalty against Mr Snowden.
The matter will be heard at the Frankston Magistrates’ Court."
In a related story in the Sydney Morning Herald -
"Almost a year after state authorities urgently intervened in and then shut down Berkeley Living, where bedridden residents were left to fend for themselves in the wake of a staff walkout, Consumer Affairs Victoria has begun criminal proceedings against the man operating the retirement village.
Katherine Temple, a senior policy officer at Consumer Action Law Centre is quoted "the retirement housing industry wasn’t capable of self-regulation. Governments need to step in to ensure residents and their families are treated fairly. Residents shouldn't have to spend the best years of their retirement fighting big business in court to get justice. We need an ombudsman to provide free, fair and independent dispute resolution."
Read the full story here - https://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/retirement-village-operator-charged-after-abandoning-residents-20180807-p4zvzq.html
Retirement Village Operator Charged
Retirement village operator charged after abandoning residents, @consumer_action says industry is incapable of self-regulation and residents need an ombudsman https://t.co/BCYjkGYzU6
— Katherine Temple (@Katherine_M_T) August 7, 2018
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Retirement Industry Code of Conduct
Retirement village resident speaks out against industry code of conduct claiming it diverts the eyes of the legislator away from legislating, does zero for resident protections.- https://t.co/DLNhsagqBd - @acccgovau @adele_ferguson @MichaelWestBiz @amy_bainbridge @M_McCormackMP pic.twitter.com/SQ4nMl3VF2
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) July 27, 2018
Not Ownership Just Occupancy
A #retirementvillage- where Australian retirees pay ownership prices, maintenance, refurbishment & administration costs, but ownership is not granted. No more than a conditional right to occupy. All of this approved of in law by governments. @M_McCormackMP @acccgovau @smh #auspol pic.twitter.com/5vTEluIhCm
— Les Scobie (@retvilldotnet) August 5, 2018
Function of Government

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